Posted: October 17th, 2013 | Filed under: Announcements, General, Newsletter
The SBCRA’s Annual General Meeting was held on Monday 28 October 2013 at Lane Cove Library. It was a very well attended session providing an opportunity for local residents to meet, hear about future plans for our area and also learn about the work the SBCRA has been conducting in the community over the past twelve months.
Guest speaker, Wayne Rylands – Lane Cove Council’s Executive Director Open Space and Urban Services, led an insightful session about plans for our local neighbourhood including an update on developments in the Mowbray Precinct and Council’s plans for parks, bushland, community facilities, traffic management and infrastructure upgrades in our area. Wayne also answered questions from residents on specific issues relating to these matters.
SBCRA President Frances Vissell gave a presentation on the SBCRA activities over the past year including work relating to development and infrastructure in the Mowbray Precinct and the local area, NSW Government’s Planning reforms, Batten Reserve bush care and regeneration, community events and initiatives, local safety, traffic and resident welfare matters.
The meeting included election of officers bearers for the SBCRA Committee for the coming year 2013/14.
The SBCRA Committee and Office Bearers are
- President – Frances Vissel
- Vice President – Kylie Bryden-Smith
- Treasurer and Memberships – Jack Winning
- Minute Secretary – Alasdair Stuart
- Committee members – Guy Hallowes, Win Chandler, Ann Proudfoot
Posted: October 29th, 2012 | Filed under: Announcements, General
Council is inviting residents to participate in a survey about the next stage of the Lane Cove Plaza upgrade (Stage 2).
Your feedback will help inform Council on how to improve public amenity from outdoor seating areas to the Plaza’s overall look and feel.
You can complete the survey online
Submissions close 28 November, 2012
Posted: October 29th, 2012 | Filed under: Announcements, General, Mowbray Precinct, Newsletter
The SBCRA AGM was held on 18 October and members were treated to a moving video and slide show of the Batten Reserve presented by Danielle Akayan.
The photography of the Batten Reserve and its stunning flora and fauna by Matthew Syres is amazing and reinforced the unique beauty of this special bushland area.
The complete collection of Matthew’s Batten Reserve photograph, including the Batten Reserve collection, can be found on his website
Frances Vissel did a presentation of the year in review and the year ahead. Much of this focussed on issues arising from the Mowbray Precinct, but also included other comunity work that the SBCRA is involved in including twice monthly bush generation in the Batten Reserve, addressing traffic and safety issues with Council, engaging with the NSW Government’s Planning Review and organising community events such as Clean Up Australia Day.
Elections for the Committee for 2012/13 were held and the roles and Committee members for the year ahead will be held by
- President – Frances Vissel
- Vice President – Kylie Bryden-Smith
- Treasurer & Memberships – Jack Winning
- Minute Secretary – Alasdair Stuart
- Committee – Guy Hallowes, Win Chandler, Leah Bangma
For further information on the AGM or to contact the Committee members email us on or for membership inquiries
Posted: September 4th, 2012 | Filed under: Announcements, General
Join us to celebrate Bushcare’s National Major Day Out with the Stringybark Creek Bushcare Group on Saturday 8 September from 9am-12noon.
Enjoy a short guided bushwalk and see highlights of the Batten Reserve and Stringybark Creek. Then spend some time planting native shurbs and trees.
Meet at the entrance to Batten Reserve adjacent to 16 Merinda St, Lane Cove North.
Wear sturdy shoes, bring a hat, gloves and water.
Bring your friends and family.
RSVP and more infromation contact: 9911 3583 or email
As 8 September is also Council Election day join us before or after you have voted and meet some of your neighbours and local residents in this beautiful bushland of ours.
Posted: August 9th, 2012 | Filed under: Announcements, General, Uncategorized
The SBCRA is participating again in Birdlife Australia’s Powerful Owl breeding study.
We know that the Batten Reserve had evidence of roosting of the Powerful Owl last year. We want to know if the owls are back again this year, and ideally if they are breeding in our area.
Breeding for the owls generally takes place from May-October.
The Powerful Owl is Australia’s largest species of owl which are also listed as vulnerable in NSW. It is about 55cm tall and characterised by its large yellow eyes, massive talons, white and grey-brown plumage and its distinctive deep ‘whoo-hoo’ call.
For more information and an image of the Powerful Owl check out:
If you have recently heard the Powerful Owl, please contact us on and let us know the location.
Posted: May 16th, 2012 | Filed under: Announcements, Current Issues, General, Mowbray Precinct
The Joint Regional Planning Panel (JRPP) assessed and refused Hyecorp’s $47 million development application for Centennial Ave and Gordon Crescent properties at Lane Cove Council Chambers on Thursday 17 May based on
- Non compliance with the LEP height standard
- Excavation of the site below the existing ground leve resulting in reduced amenity to a substantial number of units
- Inadequate building separations
The Panel was mindful of difficulties in developing the site due to its topography. Development is possible on this site, however it may need to be at a reduced density then what was proposed in Hyecorp’s development application.
This has been the largest development application to be submitted in the Mowbray Precinct to date. Hyecorp’s unsuccessful development application included the demolition of 11 houses and the construction of three residential flat buildings incorporating 186 dwellings, a shop and basement car park for 295 cars. Full details can be read in the minutes of the meeting on the JRPP website
Posted: July 15th, 2011 | Filed under: Announcements, General
Birds Australia is calling on the public to help locate and monitor breeding pairs of the Powerful Owl, Australia’s largest species of owl which are also listed as vulnerable in NSW.
The Powerful Owl is known to roost in the Batten Reserve and in backyards of Lane Cove North properties surrounding the bushland. It is about 55cm tall and characterised by its large yellow eyes, massive talons, white and grey-brown plumage and its distinctive deep ‘whoo-hoo’ call.
To report a sighting or volunteer as an observor email
For more information and an image of the Powerful Owl check out:
Posted: April 13th, 2011 | Filed under: Announcements, General
The Stringy Bark Creek Residents Association has decided now is the time to get online. In doing so, we open up the channels of communication to all members of the community.
We have been motivated to take our voice online in specific response to the proposed redevelopment of the area North of Stringybark Creek (Mowbray Precinct). As an association committed to the protection and regeneration of bushland in this area, we are concerned not only for the welfare of bush and the Endangered and Threatened species within the Batten Reserve, but also the safety and welfare of local residents.
By having our issues and voice broadcast over the internet, we hope to draw on the community at large to assist us in making our voice a loud one!
Following the links on the right to learn about the SBCRA, how to get involved and to read the latest news related to the Mowbray Precinct rezoning.
The SBCRA Committee