Posted: August 21st, 2012 | Filed under: Announcements, Current Issues
The NSW Planning Assessment Commission (PAC) has approved a development concept consisting of 400 residential apartments, retail, commerical and community space, in a combination of six buildings including a 20 storey tower block at 150 Epping Rd.
The development is on the site of the Shell Petrol station on Epping Rd in the Lane Cove West Industrial Precinct.
Local residents groups, environmental groups and Lane Cove Council objected to the development due to the building height and design being out of character with Lane Cove, impacts on bushland and native flora and fauna, traffic issues, bushfire risks, and the lack of assessment of the local infrastructure to support a development of this size. Representatives from these groups spoke at a public hearing in June 2012.
Following this public meeting the PAC followed up some of the issues raised at the public meeting and sought input from the Rural Fire Service. Subsequent amendments were made to the building designs to meet required Asset Protection Zones to minimise bushfire risk and impacts on the the local environment including flora and fauna.
The PAC has released at report date 14 August 2012, noting it is satsifed the Concept Plan for the 150 Epping Rd development should be approved subject to strict compliance with State Environmental Policy – Design Quality of Residential Flat Development (SEP 65) and subject to further assessment requirements for each project or DA submitted under the Concept Plan.
To read the full PAC’s report click here
Posted: August 20th, 2012 | Filed under: Announcements, Uncategorized
Lane Cove Council elections are scheduled for Saturday 8th September 2012.
The Lane Cove West Residents Association is organising a forum to meet the West Ward Candidates on Tuesday 21 August at 7.30pm, Blackman Park Scout Hall, Lane Cove West.
Candidates will present their policies followed by a Q&A session.
All local residents are welcome.
Voting is compulsary. For further informatoion on Council elections and polling booth information go to and click on 2012 Council elections.
Posted: August 9th, 2012 | Filed under: Announcements, Current Issues
The NSW Government has released its Green Paper on 14 July outlining its position and proposed approach to the overhaul of NSW planning laws and processes.
This important to everyone as it will guide how planning will be governed in the future, how development applications will be asssessed and reviewed and our rights as individuals and a community to ‘have a say’ in development in our area.
We don’t want a repeat of what happened with the planning process in the Mowbray Precinct – planning studies being conducted AFTER the area was re-zoned for high density and forced zoning onto the Council by the State Government.
The SBCRA is currently preparing our response to this Green Paper, you can too.
Have your say by sending a response to the government on the proposed planning changes. You can down load the Green Paper by going to
This document is open for public comment until Friday 14 September 2012.
Read more about the SBCRA’s involvement in the NSW Planning Review
Read the rest of this entry »
Posted: August 9th, 2012 | Filed under: Announcements, General, Uncategorized
The SBCRA is participating again in Birdlife Australia’s Powerful Owl breeding study.
We know that the Batten Reserve had evidence of roosting of the Powerful Owl last year. We want to know if the owls are back again this year, and ideally if they are breeding in our area.
Breeding for the owls generally takes place from May-October.
The Powerful Owl is Australia’s largest species of owl which are also listed as vulnerable in NSW. It is about 55cm tall and characterised by its large yellow eyes, massive talons, white and grey-brown plumage and its distinctive deep ‘whoo-hoo’ call.
For more information and an image of the Powerful Owl check out:
If you have recently heard the Powerful Owl, please contact us on and let us know the location.